
Welcome to NatureNorthWest ~ Connecting people and communities with their local biodiversity

NatureNorthWest is a nature education provider based in the NorthWest of Ireland.  Catering for any group big or small, old or young, all the biodiversity/variety of nature in the region is explored.

The aim of NatureNorthWest is to show as many people as possible the wonders of the natural world and to encourage people of all ages to develop a connection and love for our incredible biodiversity ~ ultimately ending in stronger community ownership and conservation of our natural world. This is done through delivering workshops, face to face or virtually, walk and talks, radio slots, biodiversity plans, signage and community workshops.


Schools, be it primary, secondary or teacher training courses are a huge part of NatureNorthWests work. Follow this link for information on modules, resources and how to book.

Nature films

On this page you will find a series of educational videos ranging from identifying trees, to what is biodiversity, to learning about the web of life


Explore some of the recently completed biodiversity action plans and recent nature signs ~ an excellent way to communicate about biodiversity with your community

Rewild Your Child

Activities, videos and information for exploring the great outdoors with your children. Connecting with our natural environment is healthy, free and essential to foster a love of our own surroundings. Explore this page for some fun ways to rewind your child.


Check our latest events happening around the NorthWest...

Feel free to contact NatureNorthWest with your nature queries